Sony Looks To Sell 3 Million PS4 By End Of The Year
With the PS4 just one day away from being in the public’s hands it’s pretty easy to tell that folks are excited. Gamers are looking forward to see just what the system is capable of and what it will be...
View ArticleNaughty Dog Announces New Uncharted Title, The Last of Us DLC
As the minutes counted down to the midnight release of the PS4, Sony teamed up with SpikeTV to celebrate. During the hour-long televised celebration, there were a few announcements for...
View ArticleSony: 1 Million PS4′s Sold On First Day
When the Wii was first put on the market Nintendo was able to sell 475k of them in the first month. The PS3 only had 195k sold in its first month. And the Xbox 360? It only sold 325k in its first...
View ArticleLess Than 1% Of PS4′s Have Failed, According To Sony
Rarely does the launch of a brand new console go smoothly. Despite selling over a million consoles in the first 24 hours, if what Reddit and Twitter says is to be believed then it appears that...
View ArticleHow Much Does A PS4 Cost To Make? Not That Much, Apparently
When the PS3 was first released back in 2006, many people mocked Sony for the $499 price tag on the base model, and $599 on the. After all, the Xbox 360 was going for half that, at $299 for a Core...
View ArticlePS4/Vita Bundle Is On Its Way To Europe
The Vita is a nice system, but one that’s been a bit under-appreciated. And really, that’s not all that surprising, seeing that there’s exactly been one game out there for it that’s designed to sell a...
View ArticlePS4 Has Best Launch Week Ever In UK
Despite being only half a month into the next generation of game consoles (sorry Wii U, but you’re not really next-gen the way the PS4 and Xbox One are) it’s already been proven that these new systems...
View ArticleAre You Looking To Show Off Your Prowess On PS4? You’re Not Alone!
Last month saw the release of two brand new consoles, the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. To say that they’ve been successful is a bit of an understatement. After all, both consoles have over 1 million...
View ArticleSony Announces PlayStation Now Subscription Service
Backwards-compatibility is something that tends to be an issue when it comes to consoles. Sure, most original PlayStation games played just fine on the PS2, but then things got trickier when the PS3...
View ArticleNyko Data Bank Adds 3.5” HD Support To Your PS4
The days of buying a new game, rushing home, popping it into your console and playing it right away are all but gone. Now we have to install games to the hard drive, in order to keep loading times to...
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